Excited in the series of events to celebrate the founding of Sunjin Group (October 10), Sunjin Group Korea held a children’s painting contest with the theme “The WORLD YOU WANT TO CREATE”.

More than 500 child contestants who are children of Sunjin’s employees and business partners around the world enthusiastically participated with very childish but meaningful paintings. In which, 100 contestants from Sunjin Vietnam brought to the competition wonderful works with many profound themes such as: “Children of today, the world of tomorrow”, “Green world”, “Family”. happy”, “Love Farm”, …

Through very cute drawings and vivid colors, the children drew their own dreams about the future world – where there are no more wars, epidemics, natural disasters and violence. They also showed care and shared love for unfortunate children, abused animals or destroyed trees, etc. Towards the best for the future world, Sunjin organizes this contest to feel the children’s souls, thereby accompanying them – the future young generation to protect and build the New World.

The contest also creates a strong connection between Sunjin Group Companies globally. Each individual, each unit is an inseparable individual in a unified Sunjin.

With more than 100 beautiful paintings participating in the program, Sunjin Vietnam was honored to receive 10 noble awards. In which, three worthy bronze prizes belong to the children Vi Tuan Ha,   Dinh Bac Lam Vu and Nguyen Tan Dung. 01 Consolation prize went to Le Yen Thi Nhu and 06 Prospect prizes belonged to Le Thuy Ngan, Phan Thi Phuong, Lam Giang Ngoc, Mai Quynh Anh, Tran Cong Tuan Anh, and Vuong Thi Truc Quynh.

Vi Tuan Ha with
“Peace in the Homeland”

Dinh Bac Lam Vu with the theme
“Green World”
L.T. Yen Nhu with
“World without disease”
Nguyen Tan Dung with “Happy Family”

According to Dung: “The world I dream of is a world where there are always happy families. I want the children around me to also be loved, cared for, have fun and study, not have to work hard to make a living on the street.”

The excellent paintings were displayed at the art gallery of the Korean Sunjin Group. It can be said that this is a great honor for Sunjin Vietnam in general and Sunjin Vietnam Departments, Employees and Agents in particular. With good impressions from the Program, Sunjin expects deep cohesion and cooperation among all Members and partners around the globe.

Sunjin Company awarded Letters of Congratulations, Certificates and Gifts to the representatives of the children who had excellently won prizes and enthusiastically participated in the contest – closing the Global Sunjin Group Children’s Painting Program in a great way. good.

The excellent paintings were displayed at the art gallery of the Korean Sunjin Group. It can be said that this is a great honor for Sunjin Vietnam in general and Sunjin Vietnam Departments, Employees and Agents in particular. With good impressions from the Program, Sunjin expects deep cohesion and cooperation among all Members and partners around the globe.


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