(Sunjin Fisheries) – Sunjin – Vietnam Co., Ltd. belongs to the Korean Sunjin Group (1973) – a leading corporation in the production of animal and aqua feeds, research, development, and distribution of livestock breeds. meat. Formed on that solid foundation, Sunjin Vietnam has continuously grown and affirmed its brand in the Vietnamese market for more than 15 years (2004 – 2020).

Quality products

With the business vision of Sunjin Group – Korea as “GLOBAL LEADER IN PRODUCTIVITY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION”, Sunjin – Vietnam has made continuous efforts for the benefit of agents and customers; Accordingly, the Company is always a pioneer in applying technology to aquaculture, providing quality products to the market; sharing knowledge and experiences to change farming habits, which is the key to deciding the success or failure of people’s shrimp farming; at the same time, always listen to the feedback from customers and the market to improve service quality.

Determining that feed is one of the decisive factors for the success or failure of shrimp farmers; Sunjin – Vietnam Co., Ltd. has constantly invested and improved technology to create quality food products. The food production process at Sunjin – Vietnam is a modern and quality production process, from raw materials to finished products. All products are tested at the shrimp research farm (in Bac Lieu). The production process is guaranteed according to the principle of 7 – 7 – 7; no antibiotics; ensure quality bran to farmers. Before being sold to the market, Sunjin products are strictly inspected by the Company to ensure the conformity standards issued by the state.

Knowledgeable man

With a pioneering mindset, Sunjin constantly trains and develops human resources. From building a culture imbued with Sunjin’s identity so that all people and minds work together towards the mission of “Nursing dreams together”. Sunjin does not stop with quality products but also has creative and passionate people. Knowing that, Sunjin always creates favorable conditions, builds and organizes seminars and training programs at home and abroad to build a team of experienced and knowledgeable staff. From there, towards “Different value for customers”.

Successful production

After more than 15 years of investment, Sunjin – Vietnam has played a good role in supporting farmers in the transition from small production to industrial farming, changing production thinking; At the same time, the Company also continuously adheres to reality, offers many modern shrimp farming models, handles environmental issues associated with the general development goal of Vietnam’s shrimp industry approved by the Government. to the goal of reaching 10 billion USD by 2025.

Sunjin – Vietnam always accompanies shrimp farmers, from designing ponds to selling finished shrimp. Always pioneering in finding solutions to improve pond management by “My farm design, G7 workshop…” with suitable new directions, Sunjin will always be a friend of shrimp farmers; shoulder to shoulder to achieve success or overcome difficulties with the situation of shrimp farming in each stage.

Sustainable Development.

It can be seen that, with the methodical business strategy of the Company’s leadership and a team of experienced human resources, always dedicated to work, closely attached to customers and farmers; With a modern production system, Sunjin’s aqua feed is increasingly asserting its position in the market and bringing optimal farming efficiency; Sunjin Vietnam has really brought confidence and peace of mind to farmers; help them change the old production mindset, towards safe and sustainable production.

Sunjin seafood – Pioneering thinking – Bringing differentiated value to customers.

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