Not something big or complicated, community spirit is the most powerful weapon for us to overcome and win the Covid-19 pandemic. This is the time when Sunjin people join hands to prevent and stop the epidemic.

At Sunjin, all employees are working together to create a working environment where employees put safety and competence first to create differentiated value for customers. More than ever, safety in protecting the health of individuals and communities becomes a prerequisite.

Sunjin provides protective equipment for Security and Staff

The process of “Biosafety” and temperature checks are strictly conducted at the Company’s gate to minimize the risk of entering and spreading pathogens. Meeting and interview forms were changed, eating trays were sterilized with boiling water, hand sanitizer was arranged in many places in the Company; employees maintain a distance when working and wear masks at all times, etc. Thanks to timely preventive measures, all of Sunjin’s factories, farms, and agents are still operating stably; ensure supply for the market, value for customers, safe and stable working environment for employees.

Comply with Biosafety procedures and measure body temperature before entering the Company

Ensure distance when working and wear a mask

Sterilize the tray with boiling water

Keep your distance during meetings, limit crowds and interview online

Banners and posters are hung and pasted in many places

At Sunjin it’s easy to see hand sanitizer

Sunjin is the place where “Safe Distance” is located.

Sunjin is the place where “Safe Distance” is located.

Sunjin Vietnam will do its best for a disease-free Sunjin and we hope that the strength of the community will help our Vietnam win the Covid-19 pandemic. We are safe – you are safe; you are safe – the community is safe; safe community – we win.Sunjin is the place where “Safe Distance”

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